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The Hygienic Home
Mattress Cleaning
Mattresses contain allergens, dust mites and germs that
can accumulate in as little as six months. Millions
may inhabit one mattress, but are invisible to the human eye. It
is estimated that 25% of the weight of a pillow is dead and living dust
mites. These microscopic contaminants can contribute to a whole
host of allergic reactions such as asthma, bronchitis, eczema and more. |
The Hygienic Home uses a proven system
of HEPA filters, high-frequency sound waves and UV-C lights to
lift and remove mattress dust. Technicians also clean and remove
dust contaminants from couches and pillows. This service has been used
in homes, hospitals and hotels for more than 15 years.

This is a sample of dust extracted within 30 seconds from
a 12” section of a typical mattress. |